dimanche 27 avril 2014

اسئلة قصة Captain Eco واجاباتها

Who's Captian Eco ?

-He is Defender of Planet Earth

Who's Amy And Danny ?

-They Help Captain Eco in him Work

Who's Polluters ?

Smelly Sam ,Greasy Joe and Gordon Grotty-

Who's Polluters Poss ?

-Gordon Grotty

What's The Name of Polluters Company ?

-Gredee Corporation

How Captain Eco Make Gordon Grotty confess ?

-He Make Him smell Bad smells

Why the Polluters the went to double their fee ?

-to pay there medical peels

انتظرو باقي الاسئلة قريباً :)

hszgm rwm Captain Eco ,h[hfhjih

from باب العرب لكل المسلمين والعرب - قسم الرابعة و الخامسة ابتدائي http://www.bablarab.com/t61717.html

مراحل التعليم الابتدائي السنة الرابعة والخامسة ابتدائي www.bablarab.com/f88/

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